Monday, December 11, 2017

Bridge Pattern

Bridge Pattern

Definition -
    The basis for a bridge is to decouple an abstract class from the place where it is implemented. This means the abstraction should not be binded with the implementation at compile time, rather it should be done at runtime depending on the place it is invoked.

Scenario -
Now lets take a scenario of a factory line which does both production and designing of both hatcback and sedan.
1) In this case we can consider it as two abstract entities, one is vehicle and the other is type.
package BridgePattern;

public abstract class vehicle {
    public type type1;
    public type type2;
    public vehicle(type type1, type type2) {
    public abstract void manufacture();

package BridgePattern;

public interface type {
    public void manufacture();


2) hatcback and sedan are two concrete classes which will implement the vehicle interface.

package BridgePattern;

public class hatchback extends vehicle {

    public hatchback(type type1, type type2) {
        super(type1, type2);

    public void manufacture() {
        System.out.println("Started Manufacturing a hatchback");


package BridgePattern;

public class sedan extends vehicle {

    public sedan(type type1, type type2) {
        super(type1, type2);

    public void manufacture() {
        System.out.println("Started Manufacturing a sedan");


3) production and designing are two concrete classes which will implement the type interface.

package BridgePattern;

public class production implements type {

    public void manufacture() {
        System.out.println("Started production");


package BridgePattern;

public class design implements type {

    public void manufacture() {
        System.out.println("Started design");


4) Lets see how to implement this in a client

package BridgePattern;

public class bridgedemo {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
    vehicle v1=new hatchback(new design(),new production());



Place to use -
1) When you need abstraction
2) When you do not want to bind the classes at compile time
3) When you want hierarchies to interact with each other

Place not to use -
1) Increases complexity
Did not find any other aspect to this, you are welcome with you suggestions.

The code for this can be found in github in the link here

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